真實的勇氣--True Grit


7.6 / 361,256人    110分鐘

導演: 伊森柯恩 喬柯恩
演員: 傑夫布里吉 海莉史坦菲德 麥特戴蒙 喬許布洛林 巴瑞派柏


2011-01-17 21:37:08

A life-long journey

We all have something to say on the last day of our lives. Some people may had a life which leads to relationships, marriages, kids, and maybe grandkids. Some decide to live tougher lives. They fight, challenge themselves, argue, get lost time to time. They exprience the world in a crue and bloody way.

God doesn't decide what happens in our lives. He just put choices in our hands. It's us who has to go through the journey. It's us who ought to decide what to do with these choices.

In the recently years, I've started to believe that some people are meant to be lonely travellers with not much to hold on to but their bare hands and spirits. Or maybe they intend to be alone while fighting with the windmill.

Partners rarely appear, but when they do, they become the memories of a life time. Sadly, they don't last long god only if you are god damn lucky.

During the last days of my life, I know I would have lots of reminiscences.

PS. How amazing the musics are in the movie.