大地驚雷--True Grit


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導演: 亨利‧哈鑫威
編劇: Marguerite Roberts
演員: 約翰韋恩 格倫坎貝爾 Kim Darby (Ⅰ) Jeremy Slate 勞勃杜瓦


2011-01-21 03:26:22


Rooster Cogburn: Mr. Rat, I have a writ here says you're to stop eating Chin Lee's cornmeal forthwith. Now it's a rat writ, writ for a rat, and this is lawful service of the same. See, doesn't pay any attention to me.
[shoots the rat]
Chen Lee: [Runs into the room] Outside is place for shooting!
Rooster Cogburn: I'm servin' some papers!
Rooster Cogburn: Judge Parker. Old carpetbagger, but he knows his rats! We had a good court going on here 'til them pettifogging lawyers moved in!

2.而在Mattie身上展現的是一種磨人的強硬的不寬容,雖然有時她也會忽然俏皮地說"I have an idea",然後blablabla講了個很幼稚的想法,但你基本可以在這個少女身上就看到一種老處女的讓人望而生畏的理智。
Mattie Ross: I hope you don't think I'm going to keep you in whiskey?
Rooster Cogburn: I don't buy that, I confiscate it. And a touch of it wouldn't do you any harm against the night air!
Mattie Ross: I would not put a thief in my mouth to steal my brains!

Col. G. Stonehill(馬商): I'll take it up with my attorney.
Mattie Ross: And I will take it up with mine - Lawyer Daggett. And he will make money and I will make money and your lawyer will make money... and you, Mr. Licensed Auctioneer, you will foot the bill.

Rooster Cogburn: [to LaBoeuf] Lawyer Daggett again.
LaBoeuf: She draws him like a gun.

Rooster Cogburn: [watching Mattie ford the river hanging on the back of her horse] By God. She reminds me of me.

Mattie Ross: Do you know a Marshal Rooster Cogburn?
Col. G. Stonehill(馬商): Most people around here have heard of Rooster Cogburn and some people live to regret it. I would not be surprised to learn that he's a relative of yours.

Rooster Cogburn: When's the last time you saw Ned Pepper?
Emmett Quincy: I don't remember any Ned Pepper.
Rooster Cogburn: Short feisty fella, nervous and quick, got a messed-up lower lip.
Emmett Quincy: That don't bring nobody to mind. A funny lip?
Rooster Cogburn: Wasn't always like that, I shot him in it.
Emmett Quincy: In the lower lip? What was you aiming at?
Rooster Cogburn: His upper lip.

Rooster Cogburn: [checking Ned Pepper's dead horse] You're quite a horse-shooter.
LaBoeuf: I was trying for Ned Pepper.
Rooster Cogburn: Next time try for the horse, and maybe you'll hit Pepper!

Capt. Boots Finch(旅店老闆): So this is the man shot Ned Pepper's horse from under him.
Rooster Cogburn: Yeah! This is the famous horse killer from El Paso. He believes in puttin' everybody afoot. Says there'll be less mischief that way.
LaBoeuf: Fewer horses - fewer horse thieves.

Rooster Cogburn: Texican... saved my neck twice. Once after he was dead.

我不是說老版好於新版,新版的節奏性強,現代觀眾已經不需要那麼多對話來一點點堆砌人物的形象,直接get the point才不會讓人感到無聊到要在影院裡呼呼睡去。新版的對話戲劇性更強,原來那些關於德州人的譏諧,關於戰爭時哪裡服役的有一段沒一段的談話都變成了一觸即發的矛盾點,甚至導致了分道揚鑣。不能否認新版的可看性更強。

但就演員來說,Jeff Bridges和John Wayne的氣場絕對沒法比,一把鬍子加上眼罩一遮,我簡直看不清楚Bridges的表情,不能說不是硬漢,但和69版比起來,感覺更像是說話嘴裡老是含了一口痰的糟老頭。
女主角倒是平分秋色。Hailee Steinfeld雖不是老版中那種短髮俏皮磨人的范兒,但眉目之間自有一種沉靜的鐵骨柔情在。化到中國版的話,演射鵰裡的穆念慈再好不過。