險路勿近--No Country for Old Men


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導演: 伊森柯恩 喬柯恩
編劇: 喬柯恩 伊森柯恩
演員: 湯米李瓊斯 哈維爾巴登 喬許布洛林


2011-02-10 20:48:06


lawman 執法者;
old time, typical of the past.
old timer 老居民;老前輩;老手
emphysema 肺氣腫
lobo 【美】【方】大灰狼
satchel (舊時)皮書包,肩背書包
 indistinct 模糊不清的;不清楚的
pant 氣喘;喘息
groan 抱怨
snarl 齜牙低吼 V ~ (at sb/sth)
yelp (因疼痛等)尖叫
petunias 植】喇叭花;牽牛花 深紫色
blip 光點(儀表螢幕上的閃亮光點,有時伴有短促尖聲)
bleep (電子儀器發出的)短促響亮的聲音,嗶嗶聲
corral (北美農牧場的)畜欄,圍欄
glitch 小故障;小毛病;小差錯 noun informal
coyote /kaɪˈəʊti/ 叢林狼,草原狼(犬科動物,分佈於北美)
managerial 經理的;管理的
fracas (通常有好幾個人的)高聲爭吵,打鬥 noun usually singular
raise hell 憤怒抗議;(尤指)大吵大鬧 informal
cuss 詛咒;咒罵
shuck 堅果或牡蠣、蛤等的)殼;(植物的)莢;外皮 American English
circulate 傳播;流傳;散佈
rustle (使)發出輕輕的摩擦聲,發出沙沙聲
call it square當作已結束
gauge (槍管的)口徑,碼
wallop 痛打;猛擊
beep (汽車喇叭或電子設備發出的)嘟嘟聲,嗶嗶聲
thud 砰的一聲;撲通一聲
know somebody by sight與某人面熟
loose cannon a person, usually a public figure, who often behaves in a way that nobody can predict 大炮(指舉止無法預料的知名人士)
bubonic plague腺鼠疫;鼠膝淋巴結鼠疫
psychopath /ˈsaɪkəpæθ/ DJ 發音 /'saɪkəˈpæθ/ KK a person suffering from a serious mental illness that causes them to behave in a violent way towards other people 精神變態者;精神病患者 noun
screech /skriːtʃ/ to make a loud high unpleasant sound; to say something using this sound 尖叫;發出尖銳刺耳的聲音;尖聲地說
howl /haʊl/ of a dog,wolf, etc. 狗、狼等 to make a long, loud cry 長嚎;嗥叫
wait up used to ask somebody to stop or go more slowly so that you can join them 等一等,慢點走(以便某人趕上)
bronco /ˈbrɒŋkəʊ/ DJ 發音 a wild horse of the western US 布朗科馬;北美野馬 no
cordial /ˈkɔːdiəl/ DJ 發音 熱情友好的;和藹可親的
outrage 憤怒;義憤;憤慨 ;暴行;駭人聽聞的事 countable uncountable
transponder 發射機應答器;詢問機;轉發器
pot metal. 銅鉛合金
transcend /trænˈsend/超出,超越(通常的界限)
maul 襲擊;撕咬 VN
          粗手粗腳地擺弄;粗暴地對待 VN
            狠狠地批評;猛烈抨擊 VN
truss up 捆綁
slit 狹長的切口;長而窄的口子;狹縫;裂縫
thrash /θræʃ/ DJ 發音 作為懲罰用棍子等)抽打,連續擊打
ricochet 運動的物體 to hit a surface and come off it fast at a different angle 彈開;反彈出去 V
 line of work. 職業
jack with
discombobulated 使混亂;破壞,打亂計劃
leave somebody in the lurch 在某人需要幫助時棄之不顧
ice chest冰櫃
tire squeal
hombre;a man, especially one of a particular type
stash;an amount of something that is kept secretly
flat-out 直率的;坦白的;完全的

half wild半野生
tourniquet a piece of fabric, etc. that is tied tightly around an arm or a leg to stop a wound from bleeding
feel overmatched優於;勝過;壓倒
know the score了解真相,知道是怎麼回事

call it
glass clattering (硬物相碰)發出響亮的撞擊聲 V
help out