請來參加我的告別式--Get Low


7.1 / 20,479人    103分鐘 | Canada:100分鐘 (Toronto International Film Festival)

導演: 艾倫史耐德
編劇: 克里斯普羅萬撒諾 蓋比米契
演員: 勞勃杜瓦 西西史派克 比爾墨瑞 魯卡斯布萊克


2011-02-11 05:35:37



Felix, 這個因為年輕時犯下錯誤,把自己與世隔絕了40多年的男人,"I built my own jail and put myself in it",過著沒有妻子,沒有孩子,沒有朋友的生活,"I stayed in it for 40 god damn years, no wife, no kids, no friends, no nothing, no grandchildren. I wouldn't even know how to hold a baby",並且鎮上流傳著各種有關他的流言蜚語,然而真相鮮有人知。

他就這麼過著與世隔絕著的生活, 不想被人靠近,也不被人理解,"There is a whole a lot of things you don't know, like what a dog dreams, you can make up a story about him chasing rabbits, but you don't know if there're rabbits in there or not. And he can't tell you now, can he? People don't say what they mean, either, so you don't know anymore about them than you do about that dog's dream. That day you left my house, I saw you stopped and looked back, you want to know what could make somebody like me, well, here you are."直至Buddy的出現。

他說"For everyone like me, there's one like you."


在他自己的葬禮上,他望著那些曾經述說過他流言的小鎮居民們,第一次向他們展示自己,"I'm not a smart man or wise one, i don't know what kind of man I am, I was always restless. Though I'd see the world, but I didn't go nowhere on purpose, because I did something I was ashamed of, something I could never fix."


祝願所有的人都能找到一個"For everyone like me, there's one like you".