

6.7 / 8,215人    96分鐘

導演: S. J. 克拉克森
編劇: 李和
演員: 佛萊迪海默爾 肯史托 海倫娜波漢卡特

Mr. Assiduous

2011-02-20 01:33:26



I have always had some sorta really random predilection for food. Particularly desserts. Just now I made a whole pot of sago cream using very elementary ingredients. I can』t explain this sorta of obsession with desserts really but I guess I can simply I』ve got a sweet tooth.

Still I find it amazingly satisfying to cook for others. Especially when I just brought a cup of sago cream to mom and fed her with a silver spoon. Even though she said all she wanted was water, but not this sort of food, she had the dessert really happily. This is the most delightful thing for cooks, really.

I guess I am enjoying the same kind of satisfaction when I cooked dinner for my family as a kid years back. it was rather awful food, I』d say, but my parents enjoyed themselves as if they were having some sort of space delicacy that cannot be obtained anywhere on earth. It was very motivating, really, though I rarely entered the kitchen after I entered my high school, totally preoccupied with books, movies and some strangers out there on the internet.

I was not paying much attention throughout the first part of the movie. As usual, I opened the mine sweeping game and spent quite a lot of my focus on that. I was actually quite annoyed to lose again. Anyways there was not much fun in the first part, really, because Mrs. Potter hasn』t appeared yet and Freddie Highmore was still far out of reach. Later when I went back to review the film I realized what I had missed. There were rather critical lines in the first part, especially when the child was nibbling his portion of the toast. It was just a piece of toast to me really. I』ve always, however, enjoyed excellent toast spread with butter and finely divided garlic which would always come along a steak set at restaurants. I am deeply in love with carbohydrates and any sort of bread, cakes or just pastry can grasp my total obsession. Anyways it was excellent food.

So when I saw the boy nibbling his toast, I think I understand the kind of satisfaction the boy gained. Truly it is universal. Everyone must have something they are crazy about and a gaze or a bite triggers the most overwhelming joy in heart.

I couldn』t quite comprehend the last part where the boy left home. Mrs. Potter was shouting you are all I have but Nigel left, without even looking back. It’s an unusual aversion that lasted for so many years and I couldn』t really see why. Was it that Nigel considered her trying to take his mother’s place? Mrs. Potter didn』t even seem to attempt that. She was haphazard at times but the randomness in all her actions is the sweetest of all things.

Perhaps it’s just some kind of child’s aversion that I wouldn』t understand. I used to hate eating shrimp, because my mother, unlikely many others』, never even made a gesture of peeling shrimp for me. I hate to peel shrimp myself thus claimed that I hated shrimp. I even avoided shrimp in peeled forms. This aversion is long gone but, perhaps, this is what young Nigel and I shared, once upon a time.

I don』t know if Nigel in his forties or fifties would regret doing all that to his adorable step mother. I would, if I were him.
