命中注定多個你--Life as We Know It


6.5 / 140,291人    USA:114分鐘

導演: 葛瑞格貝蘭提
編劇: 克莉斯汀洛斯克羅賓森
演員: 凱瑟琳海格 喬許杜哈明 喬許盧卡斯 珍史瑪特 瑪瓊卓德菲羅


2011-02-20 05:46:10

It meant to be a family

       This movie is really a warm and geliable one.
       At first, Holly and 艾瑞克 had an awful blind date.Holly was Alison's best friend and 艾瑞克 was Peter's.Alison and Peter had a perfect beautiful little girl-Sophie.
       But an accident happened and they both died and left Sophie as an orphan.However,the couple has picked the custody ones.So the responsibility raising the baby fall to Holly and 艾瑞克.
        And life thus became a totally disaster,but the relation between them was gradually harmonious finally they were into each other.Because they meant to be a perfect couple and the baby and them were naturally a family.
        Although this is only in the movie.Life is bitter-sweet,that's fair,so everyone of us should accept what God endows us.There's no way out of life,just smile at it:)