名媛教育--An Education


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導演: 瓏雪兒菲格
編劇: 尼克宏比
演員: 凱莉墨里根 艾爾菲摩里納 彼得賽斯嘉 多明尼克庫柏 羅莎蒙派克


2011-02-23 08:03:40

You don』t live just because you should


我也想要那樣一個男人, 已婚無所謂, 有小孩無所謂。





If I get to University, I am going to read what I want, and listen to what I want, and I am going to look at paintings, and watch French films, and I am gonna talk to people who know lots about lots. 這是來自一個16歲少女對大學的全部見解。不難讓我們從反面看出,在她的生活里,讀的聽的欣賞的看的內容全部被控制被篩選,這個可憐女孩被父母精心培養要上牛津的全部意義在於要嫁得其所。


她對生活對教育充滿質疑,沒有人能夠給她一個讓她乖乖按部就班過的說法。No convincing answer could make her live a life that has been set up by her parents, who want her to get an Oxford education only for marrying a decent man, and her educators, who just love this bright girl for her smartness and maybe high scores too much to let her go the opposite way.


呵呵,life is a joke. 她是個孩子,遇見他一夜長大。
初夜時,她平靜地說:「David, if tomorrow night does happen, it』d only and ever going to happen once, because the first time can only ever happen once. So no baby talk, no Minnie, just treat me like a grown-up.」
巴黎過後,她跟老師說, 「If we are going to die the moment we graduate, isn』t it what we do before that counts ? 」
她回家質疑父母, 「what if I got married instead of going into the college? This is what you are supposed to say, what about Oxford? All that Latin? All those essays? What was the point? Why don』t you just send me to night clubs? It would cause less of trouble, and I would likely have more fun.」
老師看到戒指後在校長室裡,她說,nobody does anything worth doing with a degree. No women anyway. Boring, studying is hard and boring, teaching is hard and boring, so what you are telling me is to be bored, and then bored, and finally bored again but this time for the rest of my life. This whole stupid country is bored. There is no life in here, or color, or fun. It’s probably as well as Russians just throw us a nuclear bomb any day now. So my choice is to do something hard and boring, or to marry my Jew, and go to Paris, and Rome, and listen to Jazz, and read, and eat good food in nice restaurants, and have fun. It is not enough to educate us any more. You gotta tell us why you are doing it?

After her bubble world fully filled with fancy dreams was broken, she moved on. 就像小孩子在無人看到的情況下摔倒了就會不哭不鬧地自己爬起來一樣,她開始重新生活。沒有自怨自艾自暴自棄,她帶著一顆破碎心重新來過。(原諒我熱愛「重新」這兩個字。)


(我想要寫這麼一大串來全部正面歌頌該片的,可是唯一讓我困擾的是,沒有讓我看到任何份量重到可以被稱為the point of the school的說法。電影在Jenny希望重回學校和校長以及老師談話的時候情節處理地特別弱。如果因為沒有找到教育意義而棄學去結婚,那麼同樣在不知教育為何的情況下有什麼理由讓她重新去讀Oxford ? )