黑天鵝--Black Swan


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導演: 戴倫亞洛諾夫斯基
演員: 娜塔莉波曼 蜜拉庫妮絲 薇諾娜瑞德 文森卡索 芭芭拉荷西


2011-03-05 03:51:09

The other me

We are always searching for the other me in the world.

She should be a lot like me, and at the same time, she should have some charming charactors which I wish I have but I don't.

Dangrous and sexy.

I desire her, I envy her.

Then, I proberly would do some thing that I have never done with her.

She will bring me to a world I have never been in.

Years ago, I have found one. And I'm luck to still have her.