我倆沒有明天--Bonnie And Clyde


7.7 / 122,074人    111分鐘

導演: 亞瑟‧潘
編劇: 大衛紐曼 羅伯班頓
演員: 華倫比提 費唐娜薇 金哈克曼


2011-03-08 19:32:18


      The denouement is touched with a grotesque, visual poetry. Bonnie and Clyde have solved their sexual incompatibility. This aspect of the film is unduly sensationalistic and contrived - in reality, Bonnie loved another member of the gang, not shown in the film, and actually, she was simply not Clyde's kind of woman. The implied homosexuality of Clyde is also of dubious origin and clumsily handled in terms of clarifying his personality. The legend clashes gently and movingly with the real. Actually, Bonnie had a tattoo on her thigh. Over 167 buttlets were pumped into the car, and nestled among the guns and ammunition in the back seat was a saxophone and some sheet music, but film is a film, neither tattoo nor saxophone can we find in it. ^_^
