失物招領--The Lost Thing


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導演: Andrew Ruhemann Shaun Tan
編劇: Shaun Tan
演員: Tim Minchin


2011-03-09 01:02:00


「I still think about that lost thing from time to time, especially when I see something out of the corner of my eyes that doesn』t quite fit. You know, something with a weird, sad, lost sort of look. I see that kind of thing less and less these days, maybe there aren』t many lost thing around anymore, or maybe, maybe I』ve just stop noticing them. Too busy doing all the stuff, I guess. 」

陳志勇帶著倉惶、佻達、狡黠的神氣,默不作聲地經營自己的哲學。他們憂傷的哲學引而不發,脫離了平常動畫短片的格致,流露出一種出離皮克斯美式歡樂外的東方氣質。他們沒說什麼,調性隨緩但充滿內蘊,思維密度毫不遜色,它讓我想到《刺蝟的優雅》中隱藏在粗鄙外表下看小津安二郎的門房。靡細的工業社會畫面刻畫,人與人之間的冷漠無情,憂傷孤單的異類,異類的樂園以及它們的終被遺忘。人們終將變化,忘記那些自己曾關心珍愛過的事物,遺失那些曾經的夢想。異類只有在他們的樂園中才能真正快樂的生活,而不同族類終將遠離,只留稀薄的回憶。「Too busy doing all the stuff, I guess.」
Cause we are all busy doing all the stuff,so totally different stuff.

「Our film is about a creature that nobody pays any attention to, so this is wonderfully ironic.」

「And this is dedicated to all lost things everywhere.」

緊接著頒獎的動畫長篇,Lee的致辭真的歡欣鼓舞,讓我覺得,嘿,Pixar就是某種形式上the lost things的樂園。   舉報