魂斷藍橋--Waterloo Bridge


7.8 / 9,049人    108分鐘

導演: 茂文李洛埃
編劇: Robert E. Sherwood S.N. Behrman
演員: 費雯麗 勞勃泰勒 Lucile Watson

Aspie Patient

2011-03-12 11:04:05

inspirations 123


   At this awful midnight, I opt to spilling out something poping up in my mind during watching this movie.
  Altogether, there are three. What's the significance of love? Love is deadly. Man is defenceless in front of destiny.

 1. What's the significance of war?
    War is bloody, cruel, inhuman, such are the impressions imprinted deeply in my nerve towards war. However, but not for war, Roy and Maro would never fall in love in ordinary life. Exactly as Roy said, If they met in peace time at the Waterloo station, they were most likely to say hello to each other and walk away forever. War offered them chace to know each other, hence striking up some sort of love flares.
    In war time, we don't hesitate, don't think too much.We do what our instincts tell us to.War allows no doubtfulness and no hesitation. One single moment of delay costs one a life’s happiness. if only Roy and mora didn't miss the time to get marry officially, what an enviable couple they would become! Anyway, parting makes together more charishable, while war makes people love the one right besides them. This can also expaln the story of Love in a Fallen City, in which Bai liusu and fan liuyuan fall in love under the falling wall.

  2.Love is deadly.
   Why did mora choose to die at the end of the story? Is it because of her hopeless life? should the society stand the trial to be the killer? To some extent it is reasonable to think in that way. However, I'd rather regard love as the deadly murder. As to common people, they could endure life as it is. whereas they couldn't endure you taking something precious away when they have tasted it. The well noted Chinese poem goes like this :"Speak not of lakes and streams to one who once has seen the sea.; The clouds over Mount Wushan are the only true clouds." After maro fell in love with Roy and head Roy's death, her life was dissipated. All things became unimportant to her, and she made a living by any means.
Unexpectedly, Roy returned safe and sound at last. At that time, Maro tried to change her life. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape from the fear down to the bottom of her heart and the incorrigible love for Roy. Because of the dealy love, she was afraid to damage Roy's fame, and wanted to protect the glory of Roy's badge.Therefore she left, killing herself on the waterloo bridge where she and Roy met, where the damned love began.

  3. man is defenceless in front of destiny
   What is all this movie about but the defencelessness of man facing his destiny? God played a joke on men, and they laughed, cried for it. Sometimes I wonder whether we are just a puppet of God.Shooting once said we are all a part of the masterplan. I cannot agree with it more. A simple joke played by God that Roy's identity card was lost so that he was mistaken to be dead painted the screenscript of Maro's destiny. She had no other way except to die for her impulsive love.
