

7.3 / 268,444人    90分鐘 | USA:91分鐘 (alternate DVD version)

導演: 詹姆士曼格
演員: 約翰庫薩克 雷李歐塔 蕾貝嘉狄摩妮


2011-03-13 05:08:39

When I was going up the stairs......精彩的續寫~~

受Little Man Up the Stairs那首詩的影響(電影開頭和結尾主人公低聲念的那幾句話),寫了後面的內容。

When I was going up the stairs...
I met a man who wasn't there
I saw him again the other day
I wish, I wish he'd go away

He spoke without words and saw without eyes
I wasn't for sure if I could believe his lies
For his lies were truths and his truths were false
And his end draws near as heaven falls
This man I saw going up the stairs
He said, he said, to say my prayers
He took a life and said it was mine
And crawled into my head before I could finish this rhyme.
