雨人--Rain Man


8 / 552,904人    133分鐘

導演: 巴瑞李文森
編劇: Barry Morrow 羅那貝斯
演員: 達斯汀霍夫曼 湯姆克魯斯 薇拉莉‧葛琳諾 Gerald R. Molen


2011-03-17 07:21:17

Rain Man: surprise~

I don't care how the world judges this film. I am too disapointed that it is the Oscar winner for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Writing all together.

I don't hate this film. I think it's lovely, very enjoyable. But 4 Oscars? Come on~

Dustin Hoffman is no doubt one of the best in what he does. But with all due respect, I think he almost killed the charactor, and yet he won an Oscar for that.