2011-03-17 20:13:41
Eat Pray Love,我是被名字吸引,被評價迷惑,很早就買了書,也在沒上映前就期待了很久..所以才在看過後失望了吧,我覺得沒有那麼強烈的震撼,或者說只讓我學到的比想像中要少...講得是一個女人離婚後在面對愛情時失去自我並通過旅行的方式,吃和信仰讓她重新找到自我,又或者說She traveled around the world to find her balance,尋找她的平衡..
You don't want to lose yourself
Love is scary,dangerous.
I found something and I can't give it up.And trust me,if I did,you couldn't be so all in love me.
Balance is not letting anybody love you less than you love yourself.
I do not need to love you to prove that I love myself.
I couldn't keep my balance
-Sometimes to lose balance for love 有時候,因為愛而失去平衡
is part of living balanced life. 也是生活平衡的表現
If you're brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting which can be anything from your house to bitten old resentments(你喜歡的還是厭惡的) and set out on a truth-seeking journey(開始探索真理的歷程)either externally or internally(也包括心理上的歷程)and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher. And if you are prepared,most of all to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself then the truth will not be withheld from you.