崔斯坦與伊索德--Tristan & Isolde


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導演: 凱文雷諾斯
編劇: 狄恩喬格瑞
演員: 詹姆斯法蘭科 蘇菲亞邁爾斯


2011-03-19 04:06:52

Tristan + Isolde

This is a time of war. this is a time of hero. this is a time of hero who was born in war and dead in war. this is a time that hero falls in love with beauty while he has to fulfill his duty.

i just have finished this movie. and now i need time to digest it. it is a really fantastic movie. it is so fantastic that i was solely absorbed in the movie itself and ignored all the bloody murders and the fear inside my heart. i need time to hide my feelings and calm down.

i cried for him. i cried of anguish, i cried with tears, and in the end i cried until i cannot cry out, because my tears were exhausted.

the story is even more miserable than the titanic, and even more romantic than the romeo and juliet.

i first learnt this story in a literature course, but i only treated it as history. i know it is a bad ending, but i just cannot help to cry. for tristan, for his heavy burden, for his despair love. they both know they have no future, but they just cannot stop the betrayal. the only pleasure for them was when they secretly meet other, when they hug each other, and when they have the crazy sex. no bless.

i do not like the woman, maybe i am a little jealous, because tristan is awesome. deadly handsome. even when he was hurt, when he was sweating and dirty and suffering. deadly sexy.

maybe that is enough. and i love such kind of atmosphere, such tone of a movie, such ring of exotic knights.