倒帶人生--Mr. Nobody


7.7 / 248,242人    141分鐘 | Canada:138分鐘 (Toronto International Film Festival) | 157分鐘 (Director's Cut)

導演: 賈柯凡多梅爾
編劇: 賈柯凡多梅爾
演員: 傑瑞德雷托 莎拉波利 黛安克魯格 萊斯伊凡


2011-03-19 07:32:41

Finding Nemo

His name is Nemo Nobody, the same as that little fish's in Finding Nemo. Both of the two movie is about chasing and finding. But the difference between them is: in that movie, Nemo was found by his father, well in this one, Mr. Nobody was trying to find himself. Is this a coincidence or a suggestion?

Life is contradictory and complicated, it's all about choosing and being chosen. It's full of hints and suggestions. But the most significant thing we have to remember is-- everything is right, every choice is good.

When I was having a relationship with somebody, I always tried to find him, focus on him, even if I have no time to care about me. And they usually ended up with " I found him, but I lost myself".

It's good for us to make some changes in our life, jumping out of a relationship, leaving someone and moving to a new place. These kinds of things make us think about ourselves much more.

Have you found yourself? We were not meant to be Mr.&Miss. Nobody. And we'll definitely find our Miss.&Mr. Somebody.