桃色追緝令--Hunting List


5.3 / 175人    Hong Kong:89分鐘

演員: 徐若瑄


2011-03-20 07:33:00

【From IMDB By Benjamin Gauss(Salzburg, Austria)】Blood Soaked Hong Kong Crime Act

29 August 2007

Yen-Ping Chu's "Zhong Ji Lie Sha" aka. "Hunting List" of 1994 is an action-packed and blood-soaked piece of Hong Kong Crime/Action cinema that should not leave anybody bored. A highly atmospheric little film, "Hunting List" delivers pure action and bloody violence, as well as melancholic drama coming along with beautiful local music. The fact that several scenes were stolen from "True Romance" (almost adopted one-to-one) does not downsize this movie's entertainment value. As a matter of fact, it is usually American and European filmmakers who steal ideas from Asian films. Furthermore it must be said that, even though "True Romance" is not a film that scants with violence, the scenes in "Hunting List" are even considerably rougher and more brutal than the original scenes in the American film from Tarantino's pen. The violence in "Hunting List" is brutal and violent scenes are never intended to be funny.

After years of absence, gangster Kit comes back to Hong Kong and meets with his old best friend Cramp, who has in the meanwhile become quite something in the Hong Kong triad society. The two plan to get back into business together...

"Huntig List" may not be one of the most imaginative or best Crime Action movies Hong Kong's film has brought out, but it is certainly an interesting, rough and uncompromising little film about crime, violence, friendship and loyalty. It is unfortunately not easy to get informations about the actors from this movie, which is a shame, especially because I found some of the performances really good. The guy who plays the main character Kit (I suppose that's 傑克森 Liu, on my DVD he's called Ray Lui【呂良偉】) delivers a very good performance. The greatest performance, however, is that of the guy who plays Cramp (supposedly Paul Chu), a personality of multiple aspects who is a loving father and loyal friend as well as an irascible and sadistic killer.The action sequences are very well made, and the score always fits in very well.

"Hunting List" may not be a highlight of Hong Kong Crime Action cinema, but it certainly is an interesting, well acted film that is rough and violent and guarantees 85 highly entertaining minutes. Recommended!   舉報