黑天鵝--Black Swan


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導演: 戴倫亞洛諾夫斯基
演員: 娜塔莉波曼 蜜拉庫妮絲 薇諾娜瑞德 文森卡索 芭芭拉荷西


2011-03-21 21:01:29

you are what you think

the one who is on your road is yourself
so, let it be.
get yourself free

  When you are confident,
the whole world can show you the most delighted facet.
  We always live under the delusion that others around us is managing to take our gift, our proporty, our beloved away.In fact, the true love won't be taken away, unless we ourselves fighten them.If your heart is filled with flowers, fragrance will always huants you.If your heart is filled with darkness, your eyes, of course, cannot find sunshine, for you can't figure out where is it.
  We are isolated person, so don't always attach our feeling, happiness and distress, future' hope, bad or good cabiters on others' behaviour.
  The most powerful enemy in front of me is myself.Haven't modified myself and i still have many to be changed, how could i change something others made to me?
 You are what you think.
 So,keep peace and serenity in mind.