關鍵投票--Swing Vote [2008]


6.1 / 19,444人    120分鐘

導演: 喬舒亞麥可史坦
編劇: Jason Richman
演員: 凱文科斯納 瑪德琳卡羅 寶拉巴頓 凱西葛雷莫 丹尼斯霍柏


2011-03-22 09:45:06


My wife and i have three little girls.We both wrok two jobs just tring to make ends meet,and some weeks,we don't make it.When you work hard and you still can't take care of your family,you start to question yourself as a provider,as a man.
I know i am one,i fought for my country and i'm proud of it.But it scares me to think about what would happen if one of my kids got sick.
Can you ask the candidates,if we are richest country in the world,how come some many of us barely afford to live here?