"The Big Bang Theory"


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witty & neatly

2011-03-30 07:10:09

Jim Parsons–The BigBang Theory

First comes with my late greeting of Chinese lunar year. A Ten-Day vacation was very comforting.

I spared 3 days watching a American sitcom series: The BigBang Theory. In which, the actor played Dr. Sheldon 古柏 astounded me. His name is Jim Parsons, a man already in his 30s, of which a performer starts to form his style and get proficient acting skills. From the very start of BigBang, Sheldon was a supporting character, another physicist named Leonard should be the lead. The plot started with these two men and the heroine Pennny. A very simple story as I assumed: a nerdy geek fell in love with a beautiful girl. (just like a Japanese soap pop: Densha Otoko). But after episode and episode, Sheldon became more and more eye-catching by his compulsiveness, imcomprehensible physics theory and of course his blablablah talkative style. On the other side, Leonard showed no light and was unlaughable. He had no distinguishing personality, he was less intelligent, he always lifted his head at certain angle and had a face that showed he didn』t understand what other people saying. Soon, Sheldon got the spot light. Surely, Jim Parsons has the talent of facial expression, which made his character accomplished. He could make a laughable fake smile, a witty blink, each movement of his face could indicate Sheldon’s temperament back inside.

Jim Parsons reminds me of Rowan Atkinson. He shares a lot of performing techiques of Mr. Bean. I have not seen such a talented comedian in a very long time.