金法尤物--Legally Blonde


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導演: 羅伯路克提
編劇: Amanda Brown 凱倫麥可庫蘭路兹
演員: 瑞絲薇斯朋 路克威爾遜 莎瑪布萊兒 馬修戴維斯


2011-03-31 00:06:25

Something That Makes You Someone


Do you ever have this kind of experience that you knew for sure something should be achieved so that you could succeed in your field. However, when looking back on your own history, you only found that nothing had been done except for spending every moment dreaming about the so-called colorful life in the future.
If you are still dreaming while doing nothing, I have to wake you up. Hey, you guys, just think about Elle in Legally Blonde, a charming lady and an outstanding graduate at Harvard Law School, who was once a law idiot. In terms of Elle’s success, we may clearly figure out several key words: goal, passion, and belief.
With the initiate goal of getting her ex-boyfriend back, Elle determined to devote herself to the brand-new field of law, giving up her fashion major. Beside, she spent day and night reviewing those boring academic books. Finally, all hard work paid off, and Elle entered Harvard. So, you see how powerful a goal can be. Only by setting ourselves a proper goal in our life can we get the access to success.
However, entering Harvard never means that you could live a smooth life there. During the first lesson, all freshmen were told that 「Law is reason free from passion.」 ,which forced those law students to be clam rather than passionate. This enthusiastic girl Elle who was born to have passion in her bone didn』t seem to quite fit in there. Isolated by others as she was, Elle insisted on showing passion in her life. After sometime, because of her passion, she became the most active student in her class and she met her best friend and even his Mr. Right. What we could learn from her experience is that passion really matters in our life. It is a gift that gives us strength to fight through hardships and it is a way in which we could attract friends.
Based on goal and passion, Elle already made her life quite satisfying. But what promoted her life to be perfect was the belief she had. During the murder case, Elle worked as an assistant who had a belief that she would keep secrets for her defendant and that she could succeed in her career by herself. Because of her belief, Elle dared to refuse telling the secret between her and the defendant to her mentor even when there was a chance to have better internship. In addition, because of her belief, she refused to have relationship with her mentor, which could make her success easier if she did that. As a result of her belief, she replaced her mentor to become the defense lawyer who helped her innocent defendant out of charge. Finally, Elle won reputation around the city and graduated successfully. Elle’s story strongly proves that having belief could get you the other side of success if only you stick to it. When it comes to our own life, what belief we hold and whether we have been sticking to it are the major two aspects we should take into consideration.
And here we could say that goal, passion and belief are something that makes Elle someone. Maybe, we shall also follow these three key words which may urge us to own more colorful and fruitful life. One last thing to point out : please always remember 「 Actions speak louder than words.」 Don』t keep saying you will fight for your future but keep turning your every thought into action which makes you someone.