黑天鵝--Black Swan


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導演: 戴倫亞洛諾夫斯基
演員: 娜塔莉波曼 蜜拉庫妮絲 薇諾娜瑞德 文森卡索 芭芭拉荷西

Wyn framer

2011-04-11 04:51:42

Chaos close to perfect

I don't know who am I , at some time in the past, It seems that there are two people in my body.

May be called the Split personality, I fear.

One is the lovely and lively and the other is indignant and hate the world.I always to deep dark hidden due to the secular and I did not realize it is part of my life.

When I separated from them and always to be different people in specific situations. just like did't distinguish right or wrong, right is right and wrong is wrong,chaos does't exist.

With age , I began to observe the people who have good character and find the gray area ( the chaos ) exist in the spiritual world of them.

Where right should be wrong and wrong must be right . Have lost the limits of anything.

And that is the adult world.

Sometimes human are too pure to distinguish the boundaries and think that is the so-called perfect , but In fact, the real perfect is that in understanding the facts of life, still love life.

And that gray area is inclusive.
