口白人生--Stranger than Fiction


7.5 / 237,036人    113分鐘

導演: 馬克佛斯特
演員: 威爾法洛 瑪姬葛倫霍 艾瑪湯普遜 昆琳拉提法 達斯汀霍夫曼


2011-04-30 05:33:03

Life can come to a close in ways

We all gonna die somehow,and our attitudes to death range from being terribly afraid to calmly accepting.What would you do by knowing that you are going to die?Or in other word,what the ending do you expect to note your life?Certainly,we,common people,all desperately want to end up a happy life.But life can come to a close in ways which could be a horrible manner just opposite to what we are praying for.Life can't be easy,and I just don't satisfy with only a ending that we have been wishing for but keeping missing.That's not the way it should be like a film plot.That's the true tragedy of life.Keep in mind the death fact,and extend your scope, and live out your dream,your life.