真實的勇氣--True Grit


7.6 / 359,010人    110分鐘

導演: 伊森柯恩 喬柯恩
演員: 傑夫布里吉 海莉史坦菲德 麥特戴蒙 喬許布洛林 巴瑞派柏


2011-05-28 08:49:25

Punishment comes one way or another.

這小姑娘太酷了 喜歡

Mattie Ross
You must pay for everything in this world, one way and another. There is nothing free except the grace of God.

LaBoeuf: You give out very little sugar with your pronouncements(宣告,聲明). While I sat there watchin' I gave some thought to stealin' a kiss... though you are very young, and sick... and unattractive to boot. But now I have a mind to give you five or six good licks(舔,打) with my belt.
Mattie Ross: One would be just as unpleasant as the other.

Rooster Cogburn: We'll sleep here and follow in the morning.
Mattie Ross: But we promised to bury the poor soul inside!
Rooster Cogburn: Ground's too hard. Them men wanted a decent burial, they should have got themselves killed in summer.