真實的勇氣--True Grit


7.6 / 359,010人    110分鐘

導演: 伊森柯恩 喬柯恩
演員: 傑夫布里吉 海莉史坦菲德 麥特戴蒙 喬許布洛林 巴瑞派柏


2011-06-04 03:19:00

This is life, you name it.

I have saw lots of movies recently. Since the real life in campus is nothing special but homework, so I have to look for the ones which I like in the books and in the movies, since they never let me disappointed.

The movie True Grit(2010), which is a really normal one, nonetheless, I like it. A good novel or a good movie will make you love life, and admire nature as well. One life one thing, so you can do it well, but it's hard to decide which thing to be done. This problem confused many people, all because they want too much while pay too little. My princple is trust your instinct and do not watch back too frequently, one more thing, do not regret angthing because that costs lots of your life.

I saw the sentence first in the prevue of the Water for the Elephants and fell in love with it immediately, it remind me that nomatter how badly you think you lost, you always have the most spectacular thing on earth, it's life. And the sentence is as follow:

Life is the most spectacular show on Earth.