魂斷藍橋--Waterloo Bridge


7.8 / 9,049人    108分鐘

導演: 茂文李洛埃
編劇: Robert E. Sherwood S.N. Behrman
演員: 費雯麗 勞勃泰勒 Lucile Watson


2011-06-11 05:10:47

I never shall..

"I've never loved anyone else,I never shall."It's the best and unforgettable words in this movie.I keep it in my mind deeply .People who in love always ask do you love me and how much you love me,it's a very simple but hard question.Because, if you really love someone, someone will feel it without any words and they will give the same emotion back to you also.Just like Myra Lester and Roy Cronin, every sudden parting won't let their love down.Their story is always going on.no matter they are one or apart .While, this story is a classical tragedy which bring so much tears for audice.Maybe, the great love lie in the tragedy like Romeo and 茱莉亞.