名媛教育--An Education


7.2 / 138,731人    100分鐘

導演: 瓏雪兒菲格
編劇: 尼克宏比
演員: 凱莉墨里根 艾爾菲摩里納 彼得賽斯嘉 多明尼克庫柏 羅莎蒙派克

2011-06-15 20:46:38

An Education, a lesson

Every girl have a dream to be Jane Eyre and meet her Rochester at her best age.

However,life will always be life.

There is few Rochester and girls are far from enough to be a Jane.

Those beautiful things will never grow on trees.

Education give people wisdom and taste.

People only fall in love with those who have the same smell.

Paradise to paradise lost.

Reality will always give people the right words.

Life has no shortcut.

Be sure everything that hold in your hand is achieved by yourself.

Then you can be sure it will always be yours.

My dream about Lolita is broken....- -|||

ps. I don't want to abuse my education