盧貝松之聖女貞德--Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc


6.4 / 69,935人    158分鐘

導演: 盧貝松
編劇: 盧貝松
演員: 蜜拉喬娃維琪 達斯汀霍夫曼 費唐娜薇 約翰馬可維奇


2011-06-28 03:59:03

Inner Voice

We have been told to listen to our inner voice for centuries after centuries.
We have been taught to block the noise outside.
sometimes, we just forget the fact that, If we want something really hard, we would think it's going to come to pass.
That aspiration would slowly become the inner voice and lead our heart.
So, the question is, or should be all along, what you are working on right now, is it because you are following your inner voice, or is it because, you just following your aspiration?
Is there any difference?
Is there really any voice form the almighty, or it is only you...