

2011-07-08 22:51:10


有幸參加了Ain』t It Cool News組織的30 minutes or less7月7號在芝加哥的試映會(曲折的進場經歷就是另一個故事了)和影片結束後半個小時的Q&A。看了一場不錯的喜劇,見到了兩位主演Jesse Eisenberg和Aziz Ansari. Double success!

影片的大致劇情,主角尼克(Jesse飾演)是小鎮上的披薩外賣員,披薩店的招牌是」30 minutes or less(保證30分鐘內送到外賣,超時不收錢)」. 尼克每天的工作就是開著他的破車送披薩外賣,經常受老闆白眼,有時被隔著兩個小鎮的想吃霸王餐的小屁孩捉弄。業餘生活無非是和青梅竹馬的朋友Chet(Aziz Ansari飾演) 在家裡看看動作片;和Chet的雙胞胎妹妹吃飯聊天,心裡醞釀下對她多年暗戀情愫神馬的。平靜很快被兩個不務正業的混混打破,混混Dwayne打算借他人之手殺了中彩票的老爹,急需雇用殺手的1萬美元;損友Travis幫他想主意搗鼓炸彈。二人借訂外賣的名義綁架了前來送貨的尼克,在他身上綁了炸彈要挾他去銀行搶1萬美元。之後的8個小時內尼克和老友Chet經歷了驚慌失措、和心上人表白、購置搶劫裝備(假槍、走路車輛等等)、搶銀行、飛車逃離警察、和殺手打架、和混混們談判、交接贓物等等一系列活動,其間由二人「沒經驗」引發無數笑點;伴隨著兩個混混的各種荒唐愚蠢,影片在1個半小時內緊湊俐落地結束。

演員們的表演都不錯。Jesse沒發揮他超人般快速念台詞的功力,但一如既往的可口:戴棒球帽,抽菸(只有兩個叼著菸頭的鏡頭),飆車,拿著假槍亂揮舞… 印象比較深刻的反倒是是兩個混混配角,沒有炸彈壓力的兩人擔負起了搞笑的重任。


CAPONE TO JESSE 「Did you adjust your performance with the bomb vest strapped to you? 」
JESSE 「Movie set is a contrived environment, there are a lot people who’s not in the movie on set. The bomb vest keeps me safe, make it feel more realistic for me」.

CAPONE 「片中有很多不錯的音樂,你們有參與選音樂嗎?」
AZIZ 「沒有,不過Ruben(導演)會問『你覺得這個怎麼樣』。他也很鼓勵我們即興表演

Capone to Jesse 「片中有個關於facebook的笑話,是(因為你)故意放進去的嗎?」 (編:和《殭屍樂園》里不關心facebook更新性質差不多的笑話)
JESSE 「It is not deliberate. The guy sits in his car by himself every day. He gets dismissive about interacting with people and the things go around him. He’s depressed. It’s an inside joke.」

CAPONE 「算上這次Aziz已經和Danny McBride合作過兩次了,大家都認為有你們兩個的片子會很搞笑,但事實上你們幾乎沒有對手戲。」
AZIZ 「是的。說不定我們真正的對手戲一點也不好笑呢。」
CAPONE 「我知道Jesse很喜歡尼克,但你和尼克也沒什麼對手戲。」
JESSE 「It’s a good thing we don』t have scenes together. Because they are so funny I want to laugh when we are in the same room. It won』t be any good since I』m supposed to be upset with the bomb strapped to me. 」

觀眾提問: 「Jesse,你更喜歡演喜劇還是劇情片?」
JESSE 「對我來說兩個類型是一樣的。My job is to make the characters as realistic as possible.」
CAPONE 「Jesse要在羅馬拍Woody Allen的新片,片子是偏向drama多一點還是喜劇多一點?」
JESSE 「*hesitate* It’s more comedic. But his drama films can be comedic too. My favorite Woody Allen film is Crimes and Misdemeanors. It doesn』t end well but it is funny throughout.」
CAPONE 「That’s true. I』ve interviewed actresses worked with Woody Allen this question. And they say 『It depends on how he cuts it』 」.

觀眾提問 「Jesse, 片中的開車場面都是你親身上場嗎?」
JESSE 「I did the driving by myself, more than how it is done usually. I would drive between 20 stunt drivers and follow behind them after my shots were done. 」

觀眾提問 「I saw Roger Dodger the other day and it is great. Did you do a lot of improvisation in that as well?」
AZIZ 「去看Roger Dodger,如果你們還沒有看過的話。It’s a great movie.」
JESSE 「I didn』t get to do a lot improvisation on that movie because the script is so well written. The director wrote the script himself. Campbell Scott talks very fast as well. 」

觀眾提問 「你們有過糟糕的工作經歷嗎」
JESSE 「I have done musical theatres since 10. To some people it maybe is a bad job.」
AZIZ 「I work at a Wendy’s drive through right now.」

觀眾提問 「這個電影是根據在一個真實事件的基礎上的,送外賣的那個結局不是很好。 這對你們的表演有影響嗎」
JESSE 「It is fictional characters in this movie, like every other story it is inspired by something. I know the story you are referencing. We didn』t know it while shooting this movie. It didn』t affect much because our movie is fictional. 」

CAPONE TO JESSE 「Do you have anything coming out between this and the Woody Allen movie?」
JESSE 「No. Because Woody Allen puts out his films so quickly and Predisposed is an independent film, it will take a while for the company to find distribution and to be put in the theatre. 」

CAPONE 「Ruben(導演)的新片Gangster Squad正在籌拍中,這是否意味著不會再拍《殭屍樂園2》了?」
JESSE 「應該是吧。I didn』t hear about it. Usually the longer it waits it’s more difficult to get it made. People will just forget about it.」
*觀眾席上有人說「I』ll never forget about Zombieland.」*
JESSE 「What is that?」
AZIZ 「They will not forget about Zombieland the movie.」
JESSE 「That’s what they said about Holocausts.」

觀眾提問 「你們自己覺得影片結束後主角們會發生什麼事情?」
AZIZ 「第二天他又來找我說被綁上炸彈了!Here we go again!」
JESSE 「我們拍了很多種結局。包括讓故事在第二天結束的。但最後我們覺得讓影片在夜晚結束這個結局最好。」
AZIZ 「相信DVD會收錄其他幾版結局的。」

p.s. Aziz Ansari很幽默,在現場人氣很高,觀眾問他的問題可能比問Jesse的還多,比如「更喜歡stand-up還是演戲?」 「有考慮向drama類發展嗎」 「有關Parks and Recreation」 「和Judd Apatow正在籌劃中的電影?」等等,不一一複述了。