2011-07-18 19:54:15
Like a rock
Like a Rock
Bob Seger
Stood there boldly 自信滿滿的站在街上
Sweatin' in the sun 不管那灼人的日光
Felt like a million 感覺自己是九天鳳凰
Felt like number one 感覺自己是世界最強
The height of summer 那一段時光
I'd never felt that strong 我永世難忘
Like a rock 堅如磐石
I was eighteen 那年我十八
Didn't have a care 生活總是無憂無慮
Working for peanuts 為生活打拼
Not a dime to spare 兜里總是空空如也
I was lean and 瘦小的身材
Solid everywhere 卻有著無窮的能量
Like a rock 堅如磐石
My hands were steady 我的雙手曾如此堅定
My eyes were clear and bright 我的雙眼曾如此清澈
My walk had purpose 我的目標曾如此明確
My steps were quick and light 我的步伐曾如此矯健
And i held firmly 只要認為是對的
To what i felt was right 我就絕不會妥協
Like a rock 堅如磐石
Like a rock 堅如磐石
I was strong as i could be 我曾如此堅強
Like a rock 堅如磐石
Nothin' ever got to me 我曾如此倔強
Like a rock 堅如磐石
I was something to see 我曾如此要強
Like a rock 堅如磐石
And i stood arrow straight 我總是挺直了腰杆
Unencumbered by the weight 無論有多重的負擔
Of all these hustlers and their schemes 無論有多少的艱險
I stood proud, i stood tall 我驕傲地站著,我筆直地站著
High above it all 感覺世界之巔就是我
I still believed in my dreams 永遠堅持自己的夢想
Twenty years now 二十年過去了
Where'd they go? 青春一去不復返
Twenty years 二十年過去了
I don't know 歲月流逝無法挽
I sit and I wonder sometimes 有時我會想
Where they've gone 過去的時光飄向了何方?
And sometimes late at night 在寂靜的深夜
When I'm bathed in the firelight 我坐在壁火旁
The moon comes callin' a ghostly white 看月光慘白
And I recall, 我不禁回想
and I recall 我不禁思量
Like a rock 堅如磐石
Standin' arrow straight 筆直的挺立腰杆
Like a rock 堅如磐石
Chargin' from the gate 自信的面對困難
Like a rock 堅如磐石
Carryin' the weight 堅強的扛起負擔
Like a rock 堅如磐石
Like a rock 堅如磐石
The sun upon my skin 哪管烈日炎炎
Like a rock 堅如磐石
Hard against the wind 哪管寒風凜凜
Like a rock 堅如磐石
I see myself again 那時的我
Like a rock 堅如磐石