

7.2 / 18,664人    121分鐘

導演: 雷勞倫斯
編劇: 安德魯波沃爾
演員: 安東尼拉帕格利亞 傑佛瑞洛許 芭芭拉荷西 Kerry Armstrong 瑞秋布萊克


2011-07-23 01:59:57

All about trust


A fantastic movie with clean shots and concise story-telling.

Superior coordination of device and content.

The director knows how to create an aura tranquil yet stimulating.

What is trust? How does it happen?
Who do we trust? To what extend do we trust?

-We don't know what to feel anymore. The confused cry of the modern age...We ask "what can we believe in? What should we believe in?"
Our politicians?
Our priests?
You'd amazed at how many clients come to see me.because they once believed in a priest. It is not supposed to be that way. But it is.
What then? Our parents?
"Home is a sanctuary." For the priviledged few. For most it is a battleground. And it is not meant to be like that. But it is.
Love? Can we believe in love? Feel safe in it?
Loving someone means we have to relinguish power. It is mutual surrender.
But how can this take place?
Trust is as vital to human relationships as breath is to life...and just as elusive.

What is marriage based on?
Do people in love have privacy to each other?
