黑蝶漫舞--Black Butterflies


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導演: 寶拉凡德奧斯特
演員: 魯格豪爾 連恩庫尼克森 卡莉絲范荷登


2011-08-13 21:18:06



《The child who was shot dead by soldiers at Nyanga 》

The child is not dead
The child lifts his fists against his mother
Who shouts Afrika ! shouts the breath
Of freedom and the veld
In the locations of the cordoned heart

The child lifts his fists against his father
in the march of the generations
who shouts Afrika ! shout the breath
of righteousness and blood
in the streets of his embattled pride

The child is not dead
not at Langa nor at Nyanga
not at Orlando nor at Sharpeville
nor at the police station at Philippi
where he lies with a bullet through his brain

The child is the dark shadow of the soldiers
on guard with rifles Saracens and batons
the child is present at all assemblies and law-givings
the child peers through the windows of houses and into the hearts of mothers
this child who just wanted to play in the sun at Nyanga is everywhere
the child grown to a man treks through all Africa
the child grown into a giant journeys through the whole world

Without a pass


這樣一個在絕望深淵裡讚揚希望,在遭遇死亡時展露生命美好的女人,最終卻選擇了投海自殺。她是多麼的脆弱啊!自小和離婚的母親同住,10歲時母親去世,她被迫和妹妹搬去和父親同住,然而這疏遠的父女關係卻成了害死她的一個理由。電影沒有選取她出版第一本詩集《解脫》(《Escape》)並嫁作人妻的經歷。而是直接從1960年英格麗認識了第一個作家情人傑克考布(Jack Cope)開始,兩人短暫的快樂之後,有兩個孩子和妻子的傑克堅決不離婚,不娶英格麗,此舉讓她很惱火,懷孕墮胎外加任國會議員的父親的不認同,英格麗幾乎崩潰。這期間她的第二部詩集《煙與黃土》(《Smoke and Ochre》)在情人的幫助下出版,並得到了文壇的大力褒揚,卻受到了正受命起草審查藝術與娛樂出版品法案的父親的嚴厲呵斥,並和英格麗斷絕了父女關係。英格麗選擇了拿著稿費和第二個情人安卓布林克同游歐洲,再次愛上了一個有婦之夫,在男人得知她懷孕之後態度冷淡,這讓英格麗再次選擇了墮胎,從此一蹶不振,最終萬念俱灰的她選擇了投海自殺,留下了一個7歲的女兒和那些偉大的詩作。

又是一個傷不起的女人的故事,一輩子遇人不淑,每次都愛的不管不顧。荷蘭影后Carice van Houten出演這種情慾澎湃、至情至性、自由豪放、歇斯底裡的獨立女性角色已經成了拿手好戲了,讓人很滿意卻也找不到意外的驚喜。這部電影可以說就是她的獨角戲,導演把所有力量都放在了這個角色上,以致於她的父親和兩個情人都很片面,角色的存在感連海邊的美麗風景都比不上。影片讓人印象深刻的除了影后的表演,就是那些縈繞在觀眾耳邊的詩作,這讓人很難不愛這樣一部蘊含著巨大力量的電影和這個苦命的女人。
