駭客任務--The Matrix


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導演: 莉莉華卓斯基 拉娜華卓斯基
演員: 基努李維 勞倫斯費許朋 凱莉安摩絲 雨果威明 喬潘托利亞諾


2011-09-06 01:35:55



The time has come to make a choice, Mr. 安德生

What u know u can't tell it, u feel it.


What is Real
if real is ......
real is electrical signals interpreted by ur brain

U think its air u are breathing now ?
Don't think u are. Know u are.
Stop trying to hit me and hit me.
I can only show u the door, u are the one to come through it.

No one can TELL u are in love, u just know it. Balls to bones.

U remember u don't believe in these fate crap, u are in control of ur own life.

As a specis, human race define their reality through misery and suffering, perfect world u dreamed.

I realized u are not actually mammals.
....U move to an area and multiply. ...... A virus.
One day u'll realize there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

Godeau: In I, Neo was born to be The One, but he was not until Trinity gave him the kiss, which simply represents Love.

What is 'Control' ?
If we want it we can set the machines down.
There are so much in the world that I don't understand. n

How can I trust u ?
Theres no way if u could know Im here to help u or not. So its up to u. Just make ur own choice. Accept what Im going to tell u or reject it.

But if u already know, how could i choose?
Because u didn't come here to make a choice, u've already made it. U come here to try to understand why u make the choice.

We are all here to do what we are all here to do.

And i know the only way to get to the future is to get to it.

Programs hack programs.

U are looking at the world without time.
We can never see choices past that we can not understand.
U'v already made the choice. Now u have to understand.

U have to cause u are the one.

Theres only one Constant truth : Causality. Action and reactions.

Everything begins with Choice.

Choice is an illusion created between those whos power and those not.

Soon the matter and the reason are gone and all left are the feelings
Without why, without power

Godeau: Why do I not believe in Buddaism, only studying it ?
Maybe cause its not so covered. It does not include one important thing of human being, one that could develop into a very powerful source, i.e. Love.

 Some of the answers u can undersatnd, some of them u cannot.
Math can never attain Harmony.
The problem is Choice.
The inevitable failure was doomed by the imperfection inherited by every human being.

Hope: greatest strength and greatest weakness

Im sorry I don't know the answer to that question. (See ? The oracle does not know all)

All things that have a beginning have an end.

One way or another

What do u think I am? Human ?
