今天暫時停止--Groundhog Day


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導演: 哈洛雷米斯
編劇: Danny Rubin Danny Rubin
演員: 比爾墨瑞 安蒂麥道威爾 克里斯艾略特 史蒂芬托波羅斯基


2011-09-11 06:52:46

When time stops ——a response to The Groundhog Day



Is this a fantasy movie about philosophy or a funny movie about serious love? Me, I prefer the love part, which may be easier than philosophy for a 20-year-old girl to think about.
At the beginning, Phil enjoyed playing one night stand with pretty young ladies. Obviously, this kind of fun would reduce the loneliness that Phil had. What’s more, Phil had no responsibility for whatever he did since the lady would forget everything about Phil 『tomorrow』.
Words have that people admire things that they lack most. Phil explained this saying by starting to adore Rita in his repeated jumbled life.
Rita was not a breathtaking lady. If she were a yard of cloth, she couldn』t be the gorgeous one displayed in window but the one whose texture is the most comfortable. She was a genuine lady who is gentle, kind and peaceful.
Rita and Phil had 3 chances to spend a night together.
First time, it was Phil’s delicated plan. He made full use of repeated time to know more about Rita and made progress 『everyday』 to let her feel they match each other. At a very night, Rita went into Phil’s sweet trap finally. She thought they had much in common. But love cannot be planned. Rita had intuition that there must be something wrong. So the plan failed when Phil tried to break Rita’s rule of 『step by step』.
Second time, I have to say, Phil was not the exactly person he used to be. After several attempts of suicide he began to think about the meaning of life. He managed to tell Rita truth and Rita decided to spend night with Phil to see what will happen in the next morning. It was a pleasant night with pity.
According to me, this was the first time that Phil shows respect to others. Being honest is one of the virtue and also a way to show respect. Honesty and respect are both invaluable while love is even more precious. Anyway, it was a good start, at least for friendship.
Before the successful third time, Phil changed a lot. An old man’s death was the milestone. Maybe is human nature to get rid of anything unhappy in his own day, especially death. But what matters is that by helping others, Phil learnt how to love: he showed sympathy by treating dying man delicious meal; care by catching following boy; warm-heart by fixing broken car for old ladies. And he learnt how to love himself; he became sculptor and piano player.
With honor, we witnessed a perfect man who is knowledgable, polite and welcomed by everyone. Rita followed in love with Mr. Perfect in only one day, the Groundhog Day. After this magic night, Phil eventually woke up on the morning of tomorrow.
Only people understand love entirely and contribute love to others deserve true love. All the day without love is the same. When then time love comes, it’s the start of a brand-new life.
