愛在日落巴黎時--Before Sunset


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導演: 李察林克雷特
編劇: 李察林克雷特
演員: 伊森霍克 茱莉蝶兒


2011-09-19 06:53:21


他說我們的生命就是 由點點滴滴集合而成的
Anyway, he says that we are the sum of all the moments of our lives...
..而任何人坐下來,寫出來的 都不過是自己生命中的體驗...
...and that anybody who sits down to write will use the clay of their own life...
...that you can't avoid that.
So when I look at my own life,you konw I have to admit, right, that I--
我從來沒有經歷過槍林彈雨 或是暴力事件,起碼沒真正體驗過
I've never been around a bunch of guns or violence, you know, not really.
No political intrigue or a helicopter crash, right?
但是我的人生,從我個人觀點來看 仍然是富有戲劇性的
But my life, from my own point of view,has been full of drama, right?

He's got a good job and a beautiful wife, right, but that--
Everything that he needs.But that doesn't matter...
...because what he wants is to fight for meaning.
You know? Happiness is in the doing, right?

在華沙 頭腦變得更清醒 在日記本上記的事情更多了
到處逛,思考,然後寫下來 我的大腦好像在休息
...walk around, think, and write.My brain felt like it was at rest...
沒有了那種強烈的情緒 就好像是自然的高潮一樣
...free from the consuming frenzy.It was almost like a natural high.
我感覺內心格外平和 沒有什麼奇怪的衝動要去什麼地方
I felt so peaceful inside.No strange urge to be somewhere else.
It could have seemed like boredom at first...
...but it became very, very soulful.

But the lead-singer guy, he was just so obsessed with us getting a record deal.
我們整天談的,想的 就是參加更大的演出
It's all we talked about, thought about,getting bigger shows.
Everything was just focused on the future all the time. And now...

...the band doesn't even exist anymore.
And looking back at the shows we did play...
甚至哪怕只是排練 都覺得那麼有意思!
...even rehearsing, it was just so much fun.

是- 但事實上...
-Right. -But the reality of it is...
真正能改善世界的工作 是日復一日的點滴進步
...the true work of improving things is in the little achievements.(長句的結構)
- 這才是應該享受的事 - 你具體指什麼呢?
-That's what you need to enjoy
They actually enjoy the process of helping others.

...you know, to be in the moment.I mean, I feel like I'm...
...designed to be slightly dissatisfied with everything, you know?
你懂嗎,我是說,好像永遠都 在試圖改善自己的現狀一樣
It's like always trying to better my situation.
我滿足了一種慾望 就會刺激另一種慾望,懂嗎?
I satisfy one desire,and it just agitates another
然後我就想:都去他媽的吧 慾望是生活的動力
And then I think, to hell with it, right?Desire's the fuel of life.
You know? Do you think it's true...
...that if we never wanted anything,we'd never be unhappy?
我不知道,沒有慾望,這難道 不是抑鬱症的一種表現嗎?
I don't know. Not wanting anything,isn't that a symptom of depression?
Yeah, that is, right?I mean, it's healthy to desire, right?
Yeah. I don't know. It's what all those Buddhist guys say, right?
Liberate yourself from desire,and you'll find...
- 你已經擁有你需要的一切 - 是啊,不過當我想要擁有...
-...you already have everything you need. -But I feel alive...
那些不算基本生存需要的東西的時候 我能感覺到自己是真實存活的

I like that we have those ever-renewing desires, you know?
Maybe it's this sense of entitlement.
You know, like whenever you feel like you deserve that new pair of shoes?
慾望本身不是壞事,只要你不要 太在意得失就好
It's okay to want things, as long as you aren't pissed off if you don't get them.
Life's hard. It's supposed to be.

回憶本來是非常美好的 只要你能讓過去的都過去
Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past.

People don't want to admit it, but it's like we have these innate set points...
很少有什麼後天發生的事 能改變我們的性情
...and nothing much that happens to us changes our disposition.

...they're now an optimistic, jovial person in a wheelchair.
If they're a petty, miserable asshole...
就算他們有了卡迪拉克轎車,大房子 遊艇,他們還是見識短淺的笨蛋
...they're a petty, miserable asshole with a new Cadillac, a house and a boat.
就是說,哪怕有再多的幸運降臨 他們還是難以得到滿足?
So I'll be forever depressed no matter what great things happen?

不過有的時候我會擔心 當我走到生命盡頭的時候...
But sometimes I worry I'll get to the end of my life...
-...我會發現我想要做的事還沒都做過 - 哦,那你想要做什麼?
-...feeling I haven't done all I wanted to. -Well, what do you want to do?
我想畫更多的畫 我想每天彈吉他
I want to paint more,I want to play my guitar every day.

我想學中文 我想寫更多的歌...
I want to learn Chinese.I want to write more songs.

我想做的事太多了 但是最後卻只幹了沒多少
There's so many things I want to do,and I end up doing not much.

There's an Einstein quote I really, really like.
He said, "lf you don't believe in any kind of magic or mystery...
- 那你就和死人差不多了」 - 是啊,我也喜歡這話
-...you're basically as good as dead." -Yeah, I like that.

That I don't have any permanent place here, you know.
In eternity or whatever, you know.
And the more I think that, I can't go through life saying this is no big deal.
因為生命僅此一次 任何事情,不管是有趣的
This is it. This is actually happening.What do you think is interesting?
還是好笑的 或者是重要的
What do you think is funny?What is important?

You know, that this was real,this happened.
I'm happy you're saying that,because....
I mean, I always feel like a freak because I'm never able to move on like this:
People just have an affair,or even entire relationships...
...they break up and they forget.
They move on like they would have changed brand of cereals.

You can never replace anyone...
...because everyone is made of such beautiful, specific details.

我覺得,當你年輕的時候 你會相信...
I guess when you're young you just believe...
...there'll be many people you'll connect with.
Later in life you realize it only happens a few times.

何況你又不能保證和他們好好相處 就這樣,失去聯繫了
And you can screw it up, you know.Misconnect.
過去的就讓它過去吧 事情本來就是這樣的
The past is the past.It was meant to be that way.

...that so many of the men that I admired most...
...他們的生命都奉獻給了 比自己更重要的東西
...that their lives were dedicated to something greater than themselves.

...男人總想讓人覺得他們很重要 但事實已不是這樣了
...men need to feel essential and they don't anymore.
It's been imprinted in their head for so many years...
...that they had to be the provider.
Like, I'm a strong, independent woman in my professional life.
I don't need a man to feed me...
...but I still need a man to love me and that I could love.

I was thinking, for me it's better I don't romanticize things as much anymore.
I was suffering so much all the time.
I still have lots of dreams,but they're not in regard to my love life.
It doesn't make me sad,it's just the way it is.

我只有一個人獨處的 時候才會真正開心
I mean, I'm really happy only when I'm on my own.
Even being alone, it's better than sitting next to a lover and feeling lonely.

It's not so easy for me to be a romantic.

.你就會拒絕那些虛幻的想法 接受生活中的現實
...you forget about your delusional ideas and you take what comes into your life.

...I've just had too many blah relationships.
...但是我們卻沒有那種心靈上的溝通 或是發自心底的興奮
...but there were no real connection or excitement.
At least, not from my side.

I was fine until I read your fucking book.
It stirred shit up, you know?
It reminded me how genuinely romantic I was...
...how I had so much hope in things...
...and now it's like I don't believe in anything that relates to love.

I don't feel things for people anymore.

從某種意義上來說,我所有的浪漫 都在一夜之間消耗光了...
In a way, I put all my romanticism into that one night...
...and I was never able to feel all this again.
就好像,那一夜不知道怎麼 引發了我的全部感情...
Like, somehow this night took things away from me...
...而我把這些感情都向你傾訴出來 而你卻把它們都從我身邊帶走了
...and I expressed them to you,and you took them with you.
It made me feel cold,like love wasn't for me.

從來沒有,但如意的人又是什麼呢? 你的真愛?
Never. But what does it mean,the right man, the love of your life?
這種想法簡直可笑,說什麼我們只有 找到了另一半人生才是完整的
The concept is absurd. We can only be complete with another person.

So now, you know, from the starts,I make no effort.
- 因為我知道一定不能成功 - 你不能這樣
-I know it's not gonna work out

但我真的痛不欲生 因為麻木而痛不欲生
But I'm dying inside.I'm dying because I'm so numb.
我不能感受到傷心和興奮 我也不會感到苦澀,我只是...
I don't feel pain or excitement,I'm not even bitter, I'm just....

我不想變成那種人 在52歲時離了婚...
I don't want to be one of those people who are getting divorced at 52...
...and falling down into tears, admitting they never really loved their spouse...

...感覺自己的生活好像 完全被吸塵器吸走一樣,一片空虛
...and they feel their life has been sucked up into a vacuum cleaner.

