

2011-10-04 03:21:17

Report of a Walk in the Clouds

 There are two scenes impressed me most when I finished watching this romantic movie.

    As the leading man finally came back from the battlefield, what he immediately wanted to do was to reunite with his wife whom he loves most. But later he figured that his wife didn』t seem to care about him at all. She just sat at the sofa leisurely listening to the music. To his surprise, She didn』t even pay any attention to the letters which he spent much time on and made his way to send to her. His wife didn』t give any opportunity to him to treasure this family though he had realized that nothing is more cherished than a family. What a poor lonely man he was! I just felt so sympathetic to him. It’s very embarrassing for him to be treated in this way.

    The second scene that came up to my mind was the burning of the vineyard. The big fire almost burned everything in the vineyard. They lost the vineyard, the fortune, and everything they have been striving for. Their dad finally felt sorry for his whole family because of his stubbornness. He said to his daughter」 I was afraid. I was afraid of losing you. All of you.」 Maybe we have blamed this father for his dull, conservative, and inhumane attitudes, but when he said those words we began to realize that what he did in the past just due to his deeply love of his daughter, his whole family.

    His family eventually forgave him. They knew that love was made up of forgiveness, commitment, understanding and trust. They exactly knew this principle, so did their dad. That is the reason why this father at last accepted the leading man as a member of their family. Since we all know that the one who has love won』t be lonely and lost hope. As this father said to the leading man, 「you are bound to this land and to this family by commitment, by honor and by love」   舉報