

2011-11-06 10:40:52

《I vow to thee, my country (我宣誓向祖國效忠)》歌詞【雙語對照】

馬鈴薯版沒有英字,聽了幾遍才把another country聽出來~
Another Country是夢想,是我們靠不近的遠方~
他們是否對Another Country矢志不渝~

《I vow to thee, my country (我宣誓向祖國效忠)》
I vow to thee, my country我向您起誓,親愛的祖國,
all earthly things above我願在您面前獻上世間的一切,
Entire and whole and perfect那是全然完美無缺,
the service of my love就是我對您奉獻的愛:
The love that asks no question那份愛毋庸置疑,
the love that stands the test那份愛歷經挑戰,
That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best那是獻於祭壇上最誠摯最美好的愛;
The love that never falters那份愛永不凋零,
the love that pays the price是誠願獻出一切的愛,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice更是毫無畏懼獻出生命的愛.

And there's another country話說那遙遠的異國,
I''ve heard of long ago我早有耳聞,
Most dear to them that love her對愛其者是最親愛的故土,
most great to them that know對知其者是最偉大的國家;
We may not count her armies精兵強將難以悉數,
we may not see her King卻不見她的國王;
Her fortress is a faithful heart她的堡壘是忠誠之心,
her pride is suffering為她受苦是至高的榮耀;
And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase寧靜中無數的忠魂構築它的穩固,
And her ways are ways of gentleness and all her paths are peace謙和如她指引我們通往和平的彼岸.

另,Rupert Everett的出身軼事~摘自wiki~
Everett was born in Norfolk, England to Major 安東尼 Michael Everett (1921–2009), who worked in business and served in the British Army, and wife (m. 7 May 1955) Sara (née Maclean, b. 19 September 1934).[1] He was raised Roman Catholic.[2] Through his maternal grandparents, Vice Admiral Sir Hector Charles Donald Maclean and Opre Vyvyan, he is a descendant of the baronets Vyvyan of Trelowarren and the German Freiherren (Barons) von Schmiedern, as well as a great-nephew of Donald Duart Maclean, the Soviet double agent, and a great-grandson of the Liberal politician Sir Donald Maclean, who was leader of the parliamentary opposition in the years following the First World War.[3] He has a brother, Simon 安東尼 Cunningham Everett (born 1956).

現實生活中劍橋五傑中的Donald Maclean是他maternal grandparents,自己是個gay,出身男爵家庭,特權階級,叛逆自我橫行於世~
螢幕上他扮演了原型為劍橋五傑中的Guy Burgess(《Another Country》),和Kim Philby(《A Different Loyalty》)~   舉報