托斯卡尼艷陽下--Under the Tuscan Sun


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導演: 奧黛莉威爾斯
編劇: Frances Mayes 奧黛莉威爾斯
演員: 黛安蓮恩 雷歐波瓦 吳珊卓


2011-11-16 04:55:19

Train tracks over the Alps

There is such painful past, each time when you was reminded, your eyes would get wet. Seems like a long last moved film act by yourselves.
The truth is, this world did done evil. bad things happened.
Even you have done nothing wrong and was been suffering, there are still someone who you thought always right would told you: it is your fault. Because this and that.
And it was happen in your daily life, not such faraway like book story.
While, so many years after that, I found out the reason he or she says this is that just because he or she have read such A book like no excuses and take it as bible for everyone except him or herself.
what a ridiculous LIFE.
You can't laugh at it. You can just accept it and make a other beginning. Just like the move says:
"They built these tracks before there was a train in existence that could make the trip. They built it because they knew someday the train would come. "