名媛教育--An Education


7.2 / 138,731人    100分鐘

導演: 瓏雪兒菲格
編劇: 尼克宏比
演員: 凱莉墨里根 艾爾菲摩里納 彼得賽斯嘉 多明尼克庫柏 羅莎蒙派克

Luna Fan

2011-11-28 04:52:38


An education.
a quiet England movie.Somehow a bit painful Carey.Jenny.

It's a spcecial journey ,a combination of pleasure and difficulty.
Every girl has a romantic dream.
Of getting out of the "rough and dull" schoolwork.
Of the so intriguing concerts,nightclubs,parties
Of the passionate,vigorous flames of love and desires.
Of releasing the true self hiding inside from the rigorous public.
of throwing everything that is pointless and be who you wanna be.
Serana is sucha peson,she can afford lose and repair her life.
But for the majority of others,they won't.
They are young and helpless.
You are a quiet,integregate lady,and you are maybe not yet a woman.
You innocent lady,rapture,fantasy,generous with your boby and soul
then end up losing everything.
And you questioon,what indeed is behind the fantastic world.
What the fuck are the guys .
The world is empty.You are lonely.Every one's destiny.
And you realize there is no shortcut in life, you want love,
then you have to wait.
Peace doesn't mean bordom.It is a resposible and mature and kind attitude to life.
Like Jane Eyer.
Yes she is just like Jane.And peacefully,she shall be educated about how to taste the estacy and bitter in it.
Isn't it a turn from idealism to realism.
Like the contrast between Jane Eyer and Wuthering Heights,in which I prefer the former one,who is not destructive
but more tranquil and serenes,howing a greater courage and faith in lovea nd life itself .
But even if you know it's a trap, a lie,a tale without a happy ending
You wanna be indulged in it.
You will yourself in it.
And melt,break your heart and see onerwhemlingly clearly.
WE didn't try.WE couldn't understand.and the trap awiting ahead
will be unexpectedly perilous.
will you regret
Don't be so sensitive.People make mistakes. All their life.
If you would view it as a mistake that was lucky not to be made.
you come to some places without anyone to share your joy and fear with.
you need to get through wandering paths on your own.

Who are happier ,those who love and live for roght noe,if without the real meaning,or those who keep to themselves and fight for their future.
But future will eventually be right now.

I wish to be free and dash to the boundary of limit.I admire he who dares to challenge,to follow whose own heart.

And I guess that's why I fall.

life is just so confusing.