暮光之城:破曉Ⅰ--The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part


4.9 / 258,337人    117分鐘 | 125分鐘 (extended edition) | 122分鐘 (extended version)

導演: 比爾坎登
編劇: 梅利莎羅森堡
演員: 克莉絲汀史都華 羅伯派汀森 麥可辛 達科塔芬妮 艾希莉葛林 泰勒洛特 傑克森雷斯朋


2011-11-28 08:39:34

Not as good as participated, but satisfactory

Despite all the criticism about the vaccum and absurdity and my pretence to be an intellectual sneering at anything with only good-looking people, I like it.

But it is obviously not as good as the first one. The music is not coherent, the scene is not perfect, the dress is not fancy as described in the book. But I still like it. It fullfills every girl's dream that someone you creazily in love with loves you back with no less feelling and, with such a beautiful face, perfect body and fine bearing.

Even it dosn't happen in real life, we would love to see it presented on the screen. At least there is a good vision to compensate for what's going on in reality.