

2011-12-06 05:06:33

The answer is timing

Condemn man !yes it's very funny .it should be funny but i cried when i watched it.the first date dogs are 2 lovely~the second date,the place the table the conversation even the hairstyle all of this r just good.but no.so the third time.all the details seemly push them 2 the end,even though they r so matched.finally they met in the street,she run to him ,but another she was by his side.and she still talked about the movie which he favorited,theyall turned round but just missed each other...tears falling from my eyes,sometimes u love one guy so much,maybe he also likes u ,but no happy ending.so y ?the timing is so wrong.maybe .this movie has a happy ending finally.not everyone has.by the way,i still believe true love is worth waiting,whether it is right or not.   舉報