盧安達飯店--Hotel Rwanda


8.1 / 376,666人    121分鐘

導演: 泰瑞喬治
編劇: Keir Pearson 泰瑞喬治
演員: Xolani Mali 唐其鐸 Desmond Dube


2011-12-24 21:58:58


Nowadays, no matter which side you stand by, you must admit a basic fact that international intervention has been taking place since the era of so called international society. As a matter of fact, before national state has come into being, inter-tribe, inter-kingdom intervention or intervention against colony from empire conducts no less than today and it was just the origin or former fashion of the modern international intervention.
One common thing that shared by all of them is the actors of intervention are always trying to legitimate the action of intervention which can be seen as a universal key of the use of power. The ways of legitimation have developed from very primitive methods to some modern methods and the developing path is targeted at how to make as many commoners believe the statement and as few elites understand the truth as possible.
In the old time, the way of rule was by the mouth of God, which can be seen from old legend as the leader conquered a tribe under a mission sent by God and during the conquer God did a lot of favor to help the leader win [1]. When fundamental science subjects came into being, astrology or some superstitions with an appearance of science explained the motivation of intervention and one famous solar eclipse even resulted in a peace treaty [2]. With the growing of science, more and more theories of natural phenomenon are discovered and it has been more and more difficult to use science trick to fool the commoners because the falsification of a deception with a reason of natural phenomenon can be quite easy. So, another method, I would like to denominate it as moral responsibility, has been the major form. Let me assume my framework is right, so there must be an advantage of moral responsibility against trick under the name of god or science. In my opinion, there are three points why moral responsibility successfully takes the place of science trick. Firstly, the usage of moral responsibility is from the perspective of ethics, the standard of which controversially depends on the values of people thus no congruent conclusion has been recognized till now [3]. So it can be quite easy for the politicians to explain, as an inaccurate conclusion is the only result of a fuzzy definition, which is to say that the interventionists are always doing right things and for the sake of God. One example issue of moral responsibility is racial conflict, or ethnic dispute, such as protest or discrimination with low intensity, and unfair citizen liberty with high intensity, and even genocide and ethnic cleansing, two of the four unacceptable crimes defined by UN [4]. It is all known that the history of America is a miserable history of local aborigine and negro from Africa, but is there any intervention to make the conditions of them better? Actually China launched a world revolution to support the Black campaign in 1950s and 1960s, but no country gave any help to get our Black brothers and sisters out of the melting pot. Let’s see what reaction took place when Rwanda was involved in a unimaginable disaster in 1994 which led to a death of nearly one million people. Was there any help from the civilized international community? Yes, there really was about 270 UN peacekeeping force soldiers and a regretful apologize of Clinton four years later in 1998 [5]. But to the other extreme, the significant 911 has directly destroyed the rule of Taliban government, which is the supreme form of international intervention [6].
Secondly, moral responsibility is based on human emotions which can easily inspire the sympathy of people and make them the ardent supporter of international intervention policy. The difference between moral responsibility and another method like science trick is whether people is involved in, because humanity is always a supreme pursuit of human and anything turns it over will be seen as an unbearable factor which needs the strength of unity to cover. In this process to inspire the sympathy and call more people to join, just one question is enough that, if you or your relative were the next victim, how do you feel? I think anyone except the insane must have emotional link with the creature that looks like itself, especially with someone that has a blood link, so most of us will surrender to that question and take the responsibility to protect the victim in order to realize the pursuit of humanity. Although some people in peaceful countries feel that the crimes maybe exotic and far away, at least they will not be the opponent if their government made a decision to intervene in that place.
Thirdly, the effect of a method like moral responsibility is strongly influenced by information and media which is now strictly controlled, and the right of people to get the truth is often manipulated by the government, so it is hard for commoners to make a right decision. As we all know, in a conflict there must be at least two contrary sides, and at a high probability all of them are reasonable. Under this circumstance, the view makes a big difference in judge. And the view is supported by information about the truth and without which it cannot have persuasion. The importance of information and media control has been well known for governments around the world now, with few news press and radio stations can still operate well which are at a little bit higher level of freedom [7]. But frankly speaking, if you want to know something bad happened in country A, you just need to watch the news channel in country B that is the rival to A and often you can get more than you want. In such a hostile world, the truth cannot be guaranteed and the process of information need a person to test by common sense and demonstrate by other sources of information, but actually few people can waste their time to care for the suffering and the best result is they just express their pity for the suffering and continue their dinner because if they were inspired by the fake information to participate in protest or just go to the place it can be a both physical and mental challenge for them.
All the above is some analysis kind of realistic thinking, what about the idealistic people thinking of moral responsibility?
The idealistic people make humanity their supreme pursuit. Even though sometimes what they pursue is almost as far as an ideal which may be unachievable and the way they pursue it can be revolutionary or lack of ration, their contribution to the world is they are living as example to encourage generations after generations to work after their track and in such manner we can be continuously closer and closer to the perfect goal.
But in the perspective of realistic, the danger or risk of idealistic is idealistic does not give a specific practicing way to achieve its goal, thus make it vulnerable when power with an evil mind want to take advantage of the innocent people using the perfect goal to do some bad things [8]. And that is the dilemma what moral responsibility is facing now.
From the view of an idealistic, my hope is that all the people around the world could unite together to share joy as well as sorrow. For me, it is every circumstance that need our intervention because we are a family. But of course that is not realistic because it can be a wonderful excuse for the interventionist to explain their action. So the key I think is to establish a strict punishment system which makes moral responsibility as an obligation.
As a matter of fact, it is hard for law system to punish people who has moral fault. But recently a passage attracts me a lot, the topic of which is a charge in Tang dynasty [9]. The charge is crime of indifference, which means anyone should help people near him or her to do righteous thing like you must provide help if your neighbor was caught in a fire and you must assist the policeman if you found him catching a thief or you will face the accuse of government. This is quite interesting because modern law is effective only based on someone did something, not someone didn』t do something, and this is based on the modern definition of private property which is vividly described in a Chinese saying, everyone just sweeps the snow in front of their own house. But this principle sometimes leads to a negative result making the society more and more selfish and indifferent, when people forget an important presupposition that the private property is defined by the definition of public property thus private property cannot exist if the public property cannot preserve. And in some extent the most important public property can be morality that everyone shared as the standard of the society.
It’s just a wish that one day the moral responsibility can be used as a righteous and effective weapon to defend humanity, and there can be two ways. One is a robust system regulating each corner of possible abuse, and the other is when the dream of humanity is shared by all the people around the world.
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odysseus
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse#Historical_eclipses
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethics
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Responsibility_to_protect
5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Genocide
6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taliban
7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jezeera
8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitler
9. http://history.gmw.cn/2011-11/16/content_2981548.htm