金陵十三釵--The Flowers of War


7.5 / 55,934人    146分鐘

導演: 張藝謀
編劇: 劉恒 嚴歌苓
演員: 克里斯汀貝爾 保羅薛納德 倪妮 張歆怡


2011-12-29 20:12:20



      來自Slant Magazine的Andrew Schenker: Zhang Yimou's film is a bit of a
      hodgepodge, a work that sets up as epic in scale, but then pitches its
      tale on a far smaller level.

      來自Time Out 紐約的 David Fear: Zhang's mixture of unsparing violence,
      mawkish sentimentality and garish flourishes creates one uncomfortable

      來自 紐約 Times的頂級評論家 Mike Hale : Zhang Yimou revisits the Nanjing
      massacre of 1937 by making something resembling a backstage musical, with
      breaks for the occasional ghastly murder or rape.

      來自Tim Grierson的頂級評論家 Village Voice: Human suffering reduced to visual

      來自紐約 Post的頂級評論家V.A. Musetto: Battle scenes are spectacular - great
      explosions! - but most of the screen time is taken up by a contrived and
      schmaltzy script with little emotional punch.

      來自紐約 Daily News的頂級評論家Elizabeth Weitzman : [Yimou] turns the Rape of
      Nanking into a visually stunning melodrama. But the effect of such extreme
      contrast is unsettling to say the least.

      來自San Francisco Chronicle的頂級評論家華特 V. Addiego : Affecting at times, but
      finally feels overblown and heavy-handed.

      來自 Los Angeles Times的頂級評論家Sheri Linden: "Flowers" abounds with well-worn
      movie archetypes and slathers on schmaltz.
