金陵十三釵--The Flowers of War


7.5 / 56,313人    146分鐘

導演: 張藝謀
編劇: 劉恒 嚴歌苓
演員: 克里斯汀貝爾 保羅薛納德 倪妮 張歆怡


2011-12-31 06:50:15

純轉載:imdb上寫的比較客觀的一篇:In Defense of Flowers of War - A Review


Author: jarods83 from Los Angeles, CA
*** This review may contain spoilers ***

Crowd Report: Watched this movie on Christmas day. The crowd is a mix of seniors and Chinese speaking audience of various ages. Theater is about 60% full for a 2pm show. And adults please don't bring young kids to this movie. Some scenes are so brutal I have to cover my eyes.

The critics reviews are terrible and I was on the fence about seeing this movie. Zhang Yimou's films from the last ten years had been disappointing starting with "Hero". I felt he caved in too much to commercial interests and government interference. But make no mistake, the critics are overly harsh on this film. Flowers of War is a solid film that worth seeing. It's Zhang's best in ten years.

1. About the "white man saving the native" angle - this is unfair criticism. Bale did have a lot of screen time but the movie's heart really lies in the heroic act of 13 courtesans. Chinese audience totally get the reference when Yu Mo says prostitutes in China have a reputation - they are oblivious of their country's troubles and have no national conscience - and they decide to change that with their actions. Bale's character and transformation are really inspired by the 13 women and is the backdrop, not the center of the story, hence the title "Flowers of the War".

2. About criticism of excessive sentimentality and far-fetched plot - Zhang used the reluctant hero archetype on Miller and the arc of story is relatively conventional. Zhang might have also used too many slow-mo shots and prolonged some sequences, but I feel the sentimental parts of the story are effective and consistent with his style. The characters are layered enough for me to believe their actions. For example, not all the courtesans are on board to replace students. Many of the courtesans think they are lying to the students to get them off the tower, but they decide to actually do it. Part of that decision is the desire to do what is courageous, and another part the motherly nature to protect the young and vulnerable. This aspect is probably a bit understated in the film, but it's clearly there.

3. About the portrayal of Japanese soldiers - many critics accused this movie of one dimensional in portraying Japanese soldiers, I disagree. The most memorable Japanese character, played by Kobayashi, is obviously very cultured and very conflicted as well. The decision to take the student to the "party" seems to come from higher up in the military and not Kato's decision to make. There are some stories there in the Japanese military I would liked to see explored. The actions of regular Japanese soldiers portrayed in this movie, however, is supported by historical testimonials and photographic evidence. I found them accurate at the least and even watered-down. It's pure hypocrisy to criticize this movie for giving an honest portrayal of brutality during Japanese Occupation of Nanjing and giving praises to movies that portray equally ghastly holocaust in Germany. And accusations that this movie is propaganda against Japan is simply unfounded - this is a war movie about courage, sacrifice and human compassion during very extreme circumstances. It simply make us reflect and appreciate the peace we are enjoying right now.

Some highlight worth mentioning: The boy who played George delivered a wonderful and nuanced performance. He even overshadows Bale in some scenes; The Nanjing dialect in this movie is great and adds considerable authenticity to the characters; the music is wonderfully low-key and appropriately Chinese.   舉報
