失蹤人口 [美]--Gone Baby Gone


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導演: 班艾佛列克
編劇: 班艾佛列克 Aaron Stockard
演員: 凱西艾佛列克 蜜雪兒莫娜漢 摩根佛里曼 艾德哈里斯


2012-01-21 19:11:22

that he's doing a good job

「When I was young, I asked my priest how you could get to heaven and still protect yourself from all the evil in the world. He told me what God said to his children,『 You are sheep among wolves, be wise as serpents, yet innocent as doves. ' 」
   影片一方面諷刺了污穢 烏煙瘴氣的社會環境,另一方面又擺出了道德與法律,正義與道德的辯證問題,影片並沒有反派,就我的觀點來看,所有人物都是悲劇的,那3個警察與孩子的叔叔用不合法的途徑保護孩子,最後2個死去,2個要在監獄渡過餘生,男主角在道德與法律中徘徊,最終因為告發了他們的「犯罪」行為,女友兼搭檔離開了他。沒有誰對誰錯,影片留給我們無限的憂傷與無奈,產生出了一種強烈的催人淚下的力量。
   Ed 哈里斯飾演的警探Remy與 Patrick Kenzie有一段對話中說:「Now, this place was a shithole, mind you.
  Rats, roaches all over the place. But the kid's room, in the back , was spotless . No, l mean, he swept it, mopped it, it was immaculate .
  The little boy's sitting on the bed holding onto his PlayStation or dear life. There's no expression on his face, tears streaming down.
  He wants to tell me he just learned his multiplication tables. l mean, the father's got him in this crack den,subsisting on Twinkies and asswhippings, and this little boy just wants someone to tell him that he's doing a good job .」
  這段對話格外震撼,以致於我想,如果我是那個警察,我也會去栽贓那個男孩的混蛋父親。Remy說「kids forgive. Kids don't judge. Kids turn the other cheek.」天哪!孩子是如此無辜,但為什麼要讓他們在這個污穢的社會與惡劣的家庭環境成長!
  當Patrick Kenzie看到男孩屍體的時候,他毫不猶豫地殺了那個虐童狂,He's just a kid !上帝啊,虐待孩子的人不配活著!但Remy最後死了,他死前的最後一句話是I love kids。他死了,帶著自己對孩子的完美幻想中死了。
  JACK; How many children have we seen destroyed?
   Morgan Freeman 飾演的Jack在最後關頭還在祈求 Patrick Kenzie 讓孩子和他在一起——We're just trying to give a little girl a life!而當他女友看到小女孩的時候她說:「She's happy. And that'll be okay, because we're gonna know what school she's in, and we're gonna know she's happy, and she's got birthday parties, and she smiles every day, and she has sleepovers.」說完淚流滿面。所有人包括我都希望 Patrick Kenzie 放過他們,但,他沒有。警車的到來,心碎了,孩子回到了母親身邊,但她不快樂,她沒有與Jack一起時的微笑,她只能一個人默默地在家中看著卡通,看著自己不負責任的母親去勾搭新的男友,誰也不會知道一個如同妓女的母親的孩子將來會怎麼樣。
   最後Patrick Kenzie來到了她身邊,指著她手中的破舊的布娃娃,「ls that Mirabelle(他母親在新聞中說她失蹤時 代著一個叫Mirabelle得布娃娃)?」 「Annabelle.」小女孩糾正道。繼續天真地把玩自己的娃娃。這時眼淚流下來了(我的)。看著那些無辜的孩子,願上帝保佑你們,願你們永遠開心,永遠天真,遠離邪惡,你們是如此可愛!