城市英雄--Falling Down


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演員: 勞勃杜瓦 芭芭拉荷西 麥克道格拉斯 作曲家: 詹姆士紐頓霍華 導演: 喬伊舒馬克


2012-01-24 18:00:45


情節不是特別新穎啦~~就是講人在壓抑的環境中自己逼瘋了自己。社會總是有各種各樣的怪咖啦~~還是喜歡老警察啦~~falling down,means so many things: the man fell down at the end of the movie; the song sang that London's bridge is falling down; human nature was falling down

another interesting point was that:
the man who had killed several people was trying to be a hero.
he thought he pointed out the unfairness in the society which ordinary people ignored or got used to. for instance, the ads in the restaurant was cheating people:nice pictures turned out to be thin and poor hamburger. and the immigration' shop was selling things at a unfair price. he was trying to correct the injustice and unfairness. why the rich enjoy large houses while the poor have place to live in. why the rich was playing golf and occupied large lands and the poor stayed in hungry and fired without income.

he asked,
many people asked.