盧安達飯店--Hotel Rwanda


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導演: 泰瑞喬治
編劇: Keir Pearson 泰瑞喬治
演員: Xolani Mali 唐其鐸 Desmond Dube


2012-02-14 07:34:53

Where is the Hotel Rwanda in Nanjing, 1937?!


1) Hotel Rwanda。很少有電影會讓我從電影還沒放到1/4時就開始心驚膽顫,但是,這一部,提心弔膽看到一半,god bless us。
2) Well, UN's will gone,and whites are not be here to protect Rwandas. it's a shame on whites and Polo can do nothing, nothing to help the godfather. he knows, here is somewhere god never bless.
3) on the roof of hotel, the last romantic, she asked,"how much should i pay", "a kiss"answered by Polo. The very moment of him, encouraged the helpless man, to be the only one who can rely on.
4) What a ending. Nevertheless, i do wonder if There were be a "Rwanda Hotel" in 1937, Nanjing?! Whether, or not?Though, 1268 is too little compared one million lives, but it's gives the Africa hope for tomorrow, for peace, for children. and, Where is the hope the year of Nanjing?!
