托斯卡尼艷陽下--Under the Tuscan Sun


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導演: 奧黛莉威爾斯
編劇: Frances Mayes 奧黛莉威爾斯
演員: 黛安蓮恩 雷歐波瓦 吳珊卓


2012-03-02 05:34:30

Oh, Tuscana

  It has been many years since the first time I saw it, under the Tuscan Sun. Up to know, I still remember it’s romance and beautiful scenery. Now, midnight of November, deep night. And just finished a movie. But some feeling comes, just like, there was a time in each one of those lives where they were standing at crossroads, some place where they had to decide to turn left or right.
  Oh, it’s because I came across some thing terrible. Really? Sure. What’s the hell happened to me. Am I coming across one of those empty-shell people, or something terrible? Maybe. Then, just imaging…, like, being a tourist, maybe under some depression, but you can gonna romantics tour of Tuscany, and could concentrate and listen to your own invoice, just imaging. Then, in the market of Cortona, you are writing to your mom….
  Dear Mom,
  It’s market day in Cortona. The piazza is an ongoing party, and everyone is invited. Clichés converge at this navel of the world – you almost want to laugh. But you can』t help feeling that Italians know more about having fun that we do. I eat a lot of grape from the market, and the violet sweetness breaks open in my mouth. It even smells purple. I wish I could stay longer, but the bell of the campanile reminds me of time.」 Ding-Ding-Dong」, the bell says, instead of 「Ding-Dong」. I wish you were here…
  「Ding-Ding-Dong」 Will your Mom believe you wrote this? Woo… Maybe!!!. Your lovely mom.
  Fefe said, several times, that, Never lose your childish enthusiasm and things will come your way.And also, keep the faith even that the people who taught you keep the fait already forgot it, leaving you alone.
  Between Austria and Italy, there’s a section of the Alps called the semmering. It’s an impossible steep, very high part of the mountains. They built a train track over these Alps to connect Vienna and Venice. They built these tracks, even before there was a train in existence that could make the trip. They built it because they knew someday they train would come. They knew one day the train would come. Any arbitrary turning along the way and I would be elsewhere, I would be different.
  Now, i'm here, at my house, at the deep night, after a movie. What's a house? It's where the heart is. What are four walls, anyway? They are what they contains. The house protects the dreamer. Unthinkably, good things can happen, even late in the game. It’s such a surprise.
  He’s smiling at me, at last and waved to me, gently.