凱爾斯的秘密--The Secret of Kells


7.5 / 38,825人    Argentina:75分鐘 | USA:75分鐘

導演: 湯姆摩爾 Nora Twomey
編劇: 湯姆摩爾 Fabrice Ziolkowski
演員: Evan McGuire Christen Mooney


2012-03-04 23:57:55

The Eye to Find The Truth

      Children always want to explore the outside world. We have grown up, or even to grow old we can still remember the first time found themselves out of the gorgeous world, that moment of excitement. Just like the movie says, knowledge can't confined to these walls, in order to find the light, knowledge must be approved by the appropriate person to spread widely, to spread the truth’s courage and faith, save the world's responsibility , these are universal truth.
                                                -------2011·5·3 英語電影語言與文化作業   舉報