

2012-03-05 00:18:09

If we're not reunited in this life, then in another.


前面是小清新,後面楞給拍成懸疑片了- -說下個人理解。


巫婆解夢說,Antoine是Laurent,Jacqueline是卡羅林自己,Rose就是Vero。7歲的Laurent認定Vero就是他的soul mate,就像Antoine認定Rose一樣,但是有一次躺在床上Laurent對卡羅林說他對Vero的愛和對媽媽的一樣,正如Antoine向心理醫生諮詢一個人怎麼會遇見兩個soul mate。(這個待會分析)

在夢裡Jacqueline沒有辦法分開Laurent和Vero,強行分開造成Laurent獨自去找Vero,也就是巫婆說的Separate them.Maybe he's in danger.最後帶著他們在樹林裡出車禍了。這個結局驚醒了卡羅林,於是她決定祝福Antoine和Rose。

The meeting of twin flames is when the soul finds its other half on the path homeward,to the source.The cycle of reincarnation ends.It's the final relationship that leads to unity.The hardest thing for her right now is to come to terms with the fact that the loved one is not her twin flame.

Twin flames, also called twin souls, are literally the other half of our soul. We each have only one twin, and generally after being split the two went their separate ways, incarnating over and over to gather human experience before coming back together. Ideally, this happens in both of their last lifetimes on the planet so they can ascend together. So you probably haven't had many lifetimes with your twin.(http://www.soulevolution.org/twinflames/twinflames.htm)

這個網站給了好長的關於Twin flames和Soul mate的解釋,有興趣的可以去看完。我粗淺的理解吧,就是說Twin flames是一對一的關係(twin嘛)soul mate可以是一對多的關係,可以是父母和孩子、兄妹、伴侶、師生等等。所以Antoine才會覺得兩個都是他的soul mate(怎麼看都感覺是男人為了自己的出軌找藉口- -)

所以巫婆說卡羅林需要明白Antoine不是她的twin flame,可能是眾多soul mate之一。而Antoine和Rose是twin flame.「對雙生靈魂來說,初次相遇並不僅僅是一次相遇,而更像是感覺到從未曾分開過。「所以A和R跳舞時候說,就算他們之間的激情沒有了,他們依然不會分開。(如果理解錯了歡迎批評指正。╮(╯▽╰)╭)

又搜到一條http://www.douban.com/note/185874471/ 雖然是中文版也很長很詳細。有興趣的去看看吧。


可是我好喜歡這句話If we're not reunited in this life, then in another.
